The world is filled with people who are suffering from problems. Problems and sufferings are a part of life; no one can escape from this. But that doesn’t mean that the pain and suffering will last forever.
Haven’t you heard of something like, Change is the only constant? That’s the real deal! Every bad situation has to end and take a positive turn in your life.
Imagine you are on a trek with your family. You already know that the path will be tough; you will have to carry the essentials to the hilltop, there are risks of falling, and you might even feel exhausted.
But, do you quit?
No, because you dreamt of seeing the mesmerizing view of the hilltop! The best part of the trek can only be experienced once you pass all the hurdles.
If you feel alone in this game of pain and suffering, my friend, you’re in an illusion. Every other person goes through this at one stage of their life. But they recover from it and lead happy life. You deserve nothing but the best things in life.
The present is the path toward a bright future. Here’s a collection of Best Is Yet To Come Quotes that will help you go ahead and lead a positive life.
The Best Is Yet To Come Quotes
“Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come.” – Zig Ziglar
“What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven’t happened yet.” – Anne Frank
“You must be willing to get rid of the life you’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for you. Your past is just a story. The best is yet to come.”
“Now, everything I do, I do because I want to. And I believe the best is yet to come.” – Nikki Giovanni
“I have my own unique road that has had many exciting ups and heart-breaking downs, but one thing I know is that my journey is not over and the best is yet to come.” – Ryan Hall

Read Also : Life Is A Journey Quotes
“There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” – C. S. Lewis
“Extend your arms in welcome to the future. The best is yet to come!” – Anthony de Mello
“Come grow old with me. The best is yet to be.” – William Wordsworth
“It doesn’t matter where you are; you are nowhere compared to where you can go.” – Bob Proctor
“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

Read Also : Inspirational Hope Quotes
“There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” – C.S. Lewis
“The way to become happy is to think and to feel that the very best is yet to come.” – Sri Chinmoy
“You are more than you appear to be – Life is greater than you have ever known it – The best is yet to come.” – Ernest Holmes
“I definitely want to get more active in the film world. My experiences I’ve had thus far have been really fun, and I definitely feel my best is yet to come in that world.” – Ciara
“I definitely would never go back to my 20s. The best is yet to come.” – Celine Dion

“Where God guides, He provides. No matter how things look, God is still in control. Stay in peace and be hopeful. Your blessing is coming soon.” – Germany Kent
“The best thing about the future is that it’s yet to come. The best thing about the present is that it’s here now.” – Richard Bandler
“I’m making space for the unknown future to fill up my life with yet-to-come surprises.” – Elizabeth Gilbert
“If it’s both terrifying and amazing then you should definitely pursue it.” – Erada
“The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious.” – John Sculley

Read Also : Positive Quotes And Sayings
“Because maybe, the best of times were yet to come. You never knew.” – Sarah Dessen
“Without failing at one thing, there won’t be an opportunity to try again, learn and grow. Life isn’t static but dynamic. Learn to embrace whatever situation you may face and strive to overcome. Believe in yourself, knowing your best is yet to come.” – Kemi Sogunle
“When we are on the beach we only see a small part of the ocean. However, we know that there is much more beyond the horizon. We only see a small part of God’s great love, a few jewels of His great riches, but we know that there is much more beyond the horizon. The best is yet to come when we see Jesus face-to-face.” – Corrie Ten Boom
“There is only one ‘best’. The others are just ‘good’ & ‘better’. But ‘the best’ changes with time & hence, ‘the best’ is always yet to come.” – Abhishek Krishnan
“Have faith in your journey. Everything had to happen exactly as it did to get you where you’re going next!” – Mandy Hale

Read Also : Leap Of Faith Quotes
“Every flower must grow through dirt.”
“Most of your greatness has not yet been discovered.”
“Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future.” – Robert H. Schuller
“We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell
“Real hope is a real sense of knowing that your best days are yet to come, so dream on. What you can conceive is what you can achieve.” – DeWayne Owens

“Go far as you can see; when you get there you’ll be able to see farther.” – L.P Morgan
“It takes courage to believe the best is yet to come!” – Robin Roberts
“To see the glorious sunrise, you have to make it through the dark of night.” – Jocelyn Soriano
“I am so excited for all of the good things to come.”
“If the Best is yet to come, the Present will blend with it beautifully.” – Dorothy West

“We need to visualize, believe and feel that the best is still to come every day if we experience our life’s best.”
“In order to experience our life’s best, which we deserve to experience, we must make it a daily habit to visualize, believe, and feel that indeed the best is yet to come.”
“The best is yet to come.”
“The best is yet to come. Be patient.”
“Stay open and curious, and realize that the best is yet to come.” – Wendy Lustbader

“To make something special you just have to believe it’s special.”
“I declare that the rest of my life will be the best of my life.”
“The hope is there. The sun is rising. Our best days are yet to come.” – John F. Kerry
“Better is not good enough; the best is yet to come!” – T.B . Joshua
“I’m like a fine wine. I get better with age. The best is yet to come.” – Richelle Mead

“Keep going, the best yet to come.”
“Keep going, the best is yet to come.”
“The best is yet to come. Believe.”
“The only is way is up.”
“The point of living and of being an optimist is to be foolish enough to believe the best is yet to come.” – Peter Ustinov

“The best is yet to come. Keep dreaming, hoping and planning.” – Joel Osteen
“It is very rewarding to feel and see progress. I am going to put my head down and keep plugging away. I believe the best is yet to come.” – Shalane Flanagan
“You’ll never get bored when you try something new. There’s really no limit to what you can do.” – Dr. Seuss
“You ain’t seen nothing yet, and the best is yet to come.”- Michael Jackson
“Every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for a moment that is yet to come.”

“We’re making changes every day. The best is yet to come.” – Peter Chane
“Dare to believe that the best is yet to come.”
“The possibilities are endless.”
“Keep the faith…that the best is yet to come. Keep the faith that the next extraordinary version of you is being crafted even now…that nothing can deter you from keeping your commitment to achieving your goals set for today…that you can better your best! Keep the faith. Move forward in spite of your fears and despite any evidence to the contrary. Believe that it’s possible!” – Les Brown
“Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. The best is yet to come.” – Zig Ziglar

Read Also : Quotes About Roads
“Best days are yet to come. Don’t lose the hope.”
“You can’t see it now, but that thing you didn’t get will someday be the best thing you never had. Let it go. Better is coming.” – Mandy Hale
“Keep your conscious mind busy with the expectation of the best.”
“There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” – C.S. Lewis
“Often when you think you’re at the end of something, you’re at the beginning of something else.” – M.R. Rogers

“Live each day believing that the best is yet to come.”
“If you’re not dead, god’s not done! The best is yet to come!”
“Be loyal to your future, not your past.”
“Strive for progress, not perfection.”
“I believe that I am only at a beginning, only knocking at a door, and I believe that the best is yet to come.”

“Do not look backwards if your goal is to move forward.” ― Germany Kent