Are you someone who is scared of change?
Or are you scared to take up new challenges?
Do you always wish to stay in your comfort zone and are not willing to take up any action?
To get satisfaction from within, you should embrace change, be willing to face challenges, and always have a mindset of accomplishing things you feel you cannot.
Life is about exploring and challenging ourselves with new goals and taking action to accomplish them.
You only see results when you stop overthinking and feeling depressed; instead, motivate yourself to work and see results.
Just pause for a minute and ask yourself what exactly is stopping you. What is that one thing that is not letting you work for that extra hour to reach that extra mile? Is it your mind or body?
To keep you motivated and on track, I have curated some living on the edge quotes that would always push you to do a little extra and ace the race. Be willing not to give up and take action every day. Whenever you feel dejected, come here and go through these quotes, and they will help you work toward your goals.
All this is possible if you do not give up and aim for the best for yourself, always keeping these quotes in mind. Here you go.
Living On the Edge Quotes
“Living on the edge isn’t as safe but, the view is better.” – Ricky Gervais
“Learn to live on the edge.” – Richard Branson
“Live life on the edge. Not with an edge.” – Jonathan Lockwood Huie
“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”
Also Read : Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone Quotes
“Living on the edge is risky but there is no fun in living on the ground.”

“I can only imagine. It happened to me once, and I went over the edge.” – Dontrelle Willis
“Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”
“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” – Anais Nin
“We live on the edge of almost. We are almost breaking free, or we are almost free. We are almost fed up or almost ready to take our lives back.”
“If you’re not living on the edge you’re taking up too much space.” – Stephen Hunt

“You’ve got to be closer to the edge than ever to win. That means sometimes you go over the edge, and I don’t mean driving either.” – Dale Earnhardt
“Come to the edge. No, we will fall. Come to the edge. No we will fall. Come to the edge. And they came to the edge. They were pushed and they flew.” – Bill Bazan
“The phrase living on the edge. I always wondered the edge of what? If it’s of your world, your world must be flat to begin with.” – Epik High Tablo
“I like to live life dangerously by occasionally sticking my foot out over the edge of bed at night.”
“If you don’t live on the edge, you will never see the view.”

“We live on the edge of almost. We are almost breaking free, or we are almost free. We are almost fed up or almost ready to take our live back.”
“Live for the moments you can’t put into words.”
“Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regrets. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this all there is.” – Mary Anne Radmacher
“Man enjoys living on the edge of his dreams and neglects the real things of the world which are so beautiful. The ignorant and indifferent destroy beautiful things merely by looking at the marble. Things that remake the soul of him who understands them.” – Auguste Rodin
“Life is a travelling to the edge of knowledge, then a leap taken.” – D.H. Lawrence

“I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can’t see from the center.” – Kurt Vonnegut
“I like walking on the edge.” – Levon Helm
“I was literally living on the edge of life, to the point where I didn’t know what was going to happen, not caring, taking chances and finally landing in prison and once there, all my lines were cut.” – Christian Hosoi
“I believe that living on the edge, living in and through your fear, is the summit of life, and that people who refuse to take that dare condemn themselves to a life of living death.” — John H. Johnson
“If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine. It is lethal.” – Paulo Coelho

“Life is short. The world is big. It awaits your exploration. If you’re not living on the edge, you’re just taking up way too much space.” – Paul Beaver
“The warrior lives a life full of adventure, living on the edge of opportunity. Life on the edge keeps him in a space of heightened awareness and totally in the moment; therefore no matter what comes his way he is always prepared.” – James Arthur Ray
“The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering.” – Bruce Lee
“The edge… there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is the ones who have gone over.” – Hunter S. Thompsoon
“Ride the wild wind and live life on the razors edge.”

“Let go of anything that is pushing you over the edge. It’s not worth it. You are!”
“Start living your life fearlessly.”
“We have to be fearless. We have to take chances. We can’t live life just being afraid of what comes next. That’s not what living is about.”
“We’re living on the edge. I wouldn’t say it’s dangerous, but we’re definitely pressing things a little bit.” – Zac Taylor
“There is a percentage of people who want to be a little bit outside their comfort zone and I am one of them, someone who lives on the edge.”- Alain Robert

“The edge of the world is always the next step when you’re blind.” – Ryan Knighton
“The Warrior lives a life full of adventure, living on the edge of opportunity. Life on the edge keeps him in a space of heightened awareness and totally in the moment; therefore no matter what comes his way he is always prepared.” – James Arthur Ray
“I live a little in the moment, like I’m standing at the edge.” – Haim
“Living life on the cutting edge you can make it.” – Timothy Lowe
“When one jumps over the edge, one is bound to land somewhere.” – D.H Lawrence

“Live on the edge of joy and gratitude.”
“We have nothing to lose and a world to see.”
“Life should be lived on the edge of life.” – Philippe Petit
“When god pushes you to the edge of difficulty, trust him fully. Because two things will happen. Either he will catch you when you fall or he will teach you how to fly.”
“Life is a walk to the edge of a cliff. Every day we get a step nearer and what lies over the brink, no one can tell.” – Deepak Chopra