Yes, I understand things are not going the way you thought they would. You feel your situation is ruining your plans. The person you thought would stay forever left, the career you thought you would choose doesn’t seem to be your choice anymore. But, just for some time, stop holding on to things that are not going according to your schedule. Just go with the flow, see how things are going, sit for a while and let things happen, don’t try to control every ounce of your surroundings to make it work according to your expectation and perfect. Life is not perfect; it is a combination of ups and downs and things that don’t go as you plan but the way it is destined to be.
You need to be happy at what you do and not think that this is supposed to work like this. Just sit there, work hard, be happy, put your 100% into your life and see where life takes you, and I promise you won’t regret giving the thread of your life to god, and everything will fall into place and be better. Just go where your life is taking you without questioning its plan.
I know it gets tricky when things don’t go as you plan, but you are strong. Here I have collected some of the best quotes that will inspire you to go with the flow and trust your destiny. Please read them, bookmark them so that whenever you feel things are not going right, you can open these quotes and get a dose of inspiration.
Go With The Flow Quotes
“Today I will go with the flow of life and trust the process. I will not stress over things I can’t control.”
“Not everything will go as you expect in your life. This is why you need to drop expectations, and go with the flow of life.” – Leon Brown
“See money – currency – as the flow of energy and giving that cycle between you, others and me. Now let it flow kindly, fairly and mindfully.” – Rasheed Ogunlaru
“I just go with the flow; I follow the yellow brick road. I don’t know where it’s going to lead me, but I follow it.” – Grace Jones
“Just flow with the time, do with the flow. Then there is no agony. There is only contentment all the time.” – Mohanji

“Just go with the flow.”
“Go with the flow. Force nothing. Let it happen… Trusting that whichever way it goes. It’s for the best.” – Mandy Hale
“No doubts, no expectations, just go with the flow and everything will work itself out!”
“This is how memories are made… by going with the flow.” – Amanda Bynes
“Nothing is set in stone. Things change all the time. Tides change, feelings change, perspectives change. Don’t worry, just go with the flow.”

“Don’t stand about one the edge of life afraid to venture in, go with the flow of circumstances. Follow the voice within.”
“Why everyone so stressed all the time. Just go with the flow, life’s hard but you do what you gotta do.”
“No everything will go as you expect in your life. This is why you need to drop expectations and go with the flow of life.”
“Going with the flow is for some people an excuse for not taking action and it refers usually to one’s life situation.” – Echart Tolle
“If you can’t control the current of the river then don’t fight it just go with the flow.”

“It’s better to cry than to be angry; because anger hurts others, while tears flow silently through the soul and cleanses the heart.” — Pope John Paul II
“Do not struggle. Go with the flow of things, and you will find yourself at one with the mysterious unity of the Universe.” – Zhuangzi
“There are future lives. It is not necessary to cram everything into this lifetime. You can enjoy this lifetime, go with the flow, and know it will lead you to a better life in your next incarnation.” – Frederick Lenz
“You don’t need to stress and strain to make things happen. If you try to control outcomes, you will miss what the universe sends your way.” – James Van Praagh
“Not everything will go as you expect in your life. This is why you need to drop expectations and go with the flow of life.”

“Move with the flow. Don’t fight the current. Resist nothing. Let life carry you. Don’t try to carry it.” – Oprah Winfrey
“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be a reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” – Laozi
“If you just go with the flow, no matter what weird things happen along the way, you always end up exactly where you belong.” – Tom Upton
“This is how memories are made… by going with the flow.” – Amanda Bynes
“Do not struggle. Go with the flow of things, and you will find yourself at one with the mysterious unity of the Universe.” – Zhuangzi

“I really feel like life will dictate itself. You should allow it to unfold as naturally as possible. Just go with the flow. When you’re really desperate, you say a few prayers and hope for the best.”
“I miss how everything was, but I just gotta stay positive and go with the flow. There’s no point in putting myself down. Gotta stay strong.”
“Well, for us, it’s always better not have too many expectations and to just go with the flow because then it’s always a big plus no matter what happens.”
“I’m not worried. I’m just so grateful to be in the position that I’m in. I’m just going with the flow right now, and I think my album will come together quite nicely because I think everybody is on the same page.” – Carrie Underwood
“If there is trust it will grow, if there is love it will grow. If we rush we will never know, just have to go the flow.”

“Just flow with time, do with the flow. Then there is no agony. There is only contentment all the time.” – Mohanji
“Flowing not forcing.”
“Flow with your soul.”
“My main goal in life is to just be happy. I don’t compromise my happiness for anything. If I find what makes me happy I’m going to do that. That’s really going with the flow of life. As far as like the mainstream stuff, if my destiny takes me there and I end up going that route, then that’s fine.” – Jhene Aiko
“You can only plan so much in life, go with the flow and don’t drown! Don’t always focus on swimming hard! Waddling saves energy!”

“I wish things were different but life it’s never fair, go with the flow. Everything will fall into place.”
“I’m just going with the flow. I’m in the process, I’m on the path. I’m really working towards all of my goals and music is definitely on the way.” – Brandy Norwood
“I really feel like life will dictate itself. You should allow it to unfold as naturally as possible. Just go with the flow. When you’re really desperate you say a few prayers and hope for the best. That’s the way I’ve always lived my life.” – Shani Twain
“Music is a science, it heals depression, it awakens, most people don’t know, they just take music for an entertainment, something to dance to, and enjoy yourself and you go to bed and forget it tomorrow, music must never be forgotten, it’s like a fountain that keeps on flowing.” — Peter Tosh
“If you just go with the flow, no matter what weird things happen along the way, you always end up exactly where you belong.”

“Stop stressing about the about “could have’s” If it was meant to be then it would have.”
“Go with the flow, but pray God keeps you afloat.” – Angie Martinez
“I’m trying to just go with the flow and learn from the people around me.” — Christina Ricci
“When your intention is right the universe will flow in your favor.”
“Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge.” – Plato

“No more expectations, just gonna go with the flow and whatever happens, happens.”
“Life is like a river. The way of life is to flow with the current. To turn against it takes effort but the current will carry you if you let it. Float with joy and ease.”
“I wish things were different but life it’s never fair, go with the flow. Everything will fall into place.”
“Going with the flow is responding to cues from the universe. When you go with the flow, you’re surfing Life force. It’s about wakeful trust and total collaboration with what’s showing up for you.” – Danielle LaPorte
“Time is like a river. You can’t touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. So enjoy every moment in life.”

“I just go with the flow, so any style can be in my music that makes it exciting.” – Yoko Ono
“I don’t really make decisions, I go with the flow.” – Nicole Kidman
“I enjoy being on my own. I feel like I have more room to stretch. I have to go with the flow.” – Johnette Napolitano
“Just let things happen. Let life flow. Don’t force it.”
“You just go with the flow because life is just all about how you feel.” – Post Malone
“Sometimes the best plan is to go with the flow.”
“In life you have 2 options: go with the flow or make your own path.”
“Going with the flow is responding to cues from the universe. When you go with the flow, you’re surfing life force. It’s about wakeful trust and total collaboration with what’s showing up for you.” – Danielle Laporte
“Don’t resist, Go with the flow.”
“I don’t think it’s something you can be prepared for. I’m just going with the flow.” – Dakota Johnson
“Don’t ever go with the flow. Be the flow.”