In today’s world, when few people are becoming very toxic, it is very crucial to avoid such people and look after our mental health. Avoiding such people is the only solution; we should do that to have our mental peace.
People keep the ability to influence others either for the good or bad. So one must be very careful when choosing people and ensure they are good for them. Be it your close friends or family, one shall have the audacity to cut off people if they are toxic. Mental health is crucial for each of us and shall never be traded at any cost, no matter what!
Instead of victimizing yourself, take the step and be bold enough to cut off those who trouble you. It might be tough in some situations, but one shall take this bold step to have a healthy life and peace of mind. The quotes mentioned will help you to cut those people away who are just not good for you.
Cutting People Off Quotes
“Some of the most poisonous people come disguised as friends and family.”
“If people don’t make an effort to be in your life, don’t try so hard to be in theirs. It’s not worth it.”
“If you’re not losing friends, then you’re not growing up.”
“When it’s over, leave. Don’t continue watering a dead flower.”
“Eliminating people from your life doesn’t mean you hate them, it just means you respect yourself.”

“It always amazes me, how swiftly problems can be solved, once you start cutting things off people.” – Joe Abercrombie
“If you can go a couple days without talking to me, go a couple more… I’m straight.”
“You know that knife you stuck in my back? It was perfect for cutting all ties with you…”
“Cut off fake people for real reasons, not real people for fake reasons.”
“I don’t have time to make people understand my worth. Either you recognize it and treat me right or be cut off.”

“Cutting people out of your life is easy, keeping them in is hard.” – Walter Dean Myers
“Cut off anybody who interferes with your happiness.”
“1 Fake friend can do more damage than 5 enemies.”
“Some people will only “love you” as much as they can use you. Their loyalty ends where the benefits stop…”
“Certain people you have to cut off; it’s nothing personal. Their part in your story is over and you have to move on.”

“Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.” – George Bernard Shaw
“Cutting toxic people off isn’t betrayal. It’s self-care.”
“Those who spend their time looking for the faults in others, usally spend no time to correct their own.”
“If I decide to cut you off for my own good, and not communicate with you anymore, there’s no sneak dissing or dirt throwing on my end because you and your business no longer exist in my world.”
“As you remove toxic people from your life, you free up space and emotional energy for positive, healthy relationships.” – John Mark Green

“Cut off your dead ends for growth and I’m not just talking about your hair.”
“Cutting people off doesn’t have limits. Family can get cut off too if they’re causing you stress. Eliminate any negativity from your circle.”
“I am not kind. I cut people off as with shears and I drop them like nettles.” – Edna O’Brien
“I am making changes in my life so if you don’t hear from me you’re one of them.”
“Cutting people off is starting to become a hobby. Who’s next?”

“Since I cut off certain people there is no hate in my heart.”
“Keep people in your life who truly love you, motivate you can add to your happiness. Let go of people who do none of these things.”
“It always amaze me, how swiftly problems can be solved, once you start cutting things off people.” – Joe
“Yeah, I’m obnoxious, yeah, I cut people off, yeah, I’m rude. You know why? Because you’re busy.” – Bill O’relly
“Cutting someone completely off from your life is sometimes necessary for your peace. Don’t feel guilty about it.”

“Cutting someone completely off from your life is sometimes necessary for your peace. Don’t feel guilty for it.” – Trent Shelton
“Sometimes you just have to remove people without warning. We are getting too old to be explaining what they already know they are doing is wrong.”
“One of my biggest problems is that I’m constantly torn between cutting people off and being patient with them. Sometimes it’s hard to tell who you have to go through a storm with in order to see the sunshine, and who’s just toxic and not meant to be in your life.”
“If I cut you off, chances are, you handed me the scissors.”
“I’m so proud of myself for every single decision I’ve made this year. From cutting people off to changing my priorities.” – Jade Hillary

“Stop rebuilding bonds you didn’t break.”
“I cut people off with no hesitation, no explanation, and no warning. Your friendship card will be revoked if you do some phony stuff or I feel you can’t be trusted. Life is too short and I’m getting too old to be dealing with people who haven’t grasped the concept of loyalty.”
“Cutting people off gets easier and easier.”
“Toxic people will pollute everything around them. Don’t hesitate.”
“Yes, I cut people off ruthlessly… But I also love with my heart and soul. When I cut you off trust me I have a damn good reason.”

“People don’t change. They just take their masks off.”
“If I decide to cut you off for my own good, and not communicate with you anymore, there’s no sneak dissing or dirt throwing on my end because you and your business no longer exist in my world.”
“You don’t lose friends, because real friends can never be lost. You lose people masquerading as friends, and you’re better for it.” – Mandy Hale
“You have to learn how to drop people without a warning… We’re getting too old to explain to people what they know they’re doing wrong.”
“People underestimate my ability to cut them out of my life when why mess me over.”

“Been through enough to know there ain’t nothing in life you can’t get over.”
“Cutting certain a person out of my life doesn’t mean I hate them, it simply means I respect me.”
“Never beg for a friendship or a relationship with anyone. If you don’t receive the same efforts you give, cut them off.”
“Go ahead and cut them off for a silly reason. If something happens to them you’ll regret cutting them off for something you could have forgiven.” – Sonya Parker
“Give yourself permission to immediately walk away from anything that gives you bad vibes. There is no need to explain or make sense of it. Just trust what you feel.”

“Sometimes, you cut off people and you don’t even let them know that you aren’t messing with them anymore. A lot of people cut themselves off because they can’t deal with the new stuff that you have going on.” – Kirko Bangz
“People who are negative are either lonely, broke or bored. Better to cut them off.”
“Just because certain people are blood relatives doesn’t mean they’re family. Just take a deep breath and choose wisely who you cut off.”
“Don’t be scared to cut off jealous, hateful, disrespectful, and disloyal people. You’re better off with them.”
“The idea is quite simple stay a light year away from people who make you feel less about yourself.”

“Stop crossing oceans for people who won’t jump puddles for you.”
“It’s amazing how quickly things can turn around when you remove toxic people from your life.”
“I’m slowly cutting people off and they don’t even know it.”
“Cutting off toxic people is an act of self – care.”
“Never chase love, affection, or attention. If it isn’t given freely by another person, it isn’t worth having.”

“It’s better to be healthy alone than sick with someone else.” – Phil Mc Graw
“Sometimes you gotta cut everybody off to get back in bag.”
“I reserve the right to cut you off at any point if I feel I no longer gain anything from hanging with you.”
“You don’t have to cut those people off; God will block them for you!”
“It’s not easy to detach from people you’ve had close ties with but sometimes it’s necessary in order to restore your sanity. Your mind peace.”

“I will not allow anyone to walk in my mind with dirty feet.” – Mahatma Gandhi
“Since I cut off certain people there is no hate in my heart.”
“Life is like an elevator on your way up, sometimes you have to stop and let some people off.”
“It’s okay to cut off toxic people from your life.”
“Knowing the difference between who to cut off and who to be patient with… is everything.”

“To protect oneself’s best interests and mental health, it’s best to cut off negative relationships. The memories perhaps were great, you’ll always be grateful for what it was at the time, but like failed relationships, it’s time to move one. You don’t have to be friends with everyone forever. You need to set clear and firm boundaries that people around you should not cross to protect your best interests and mental health.” – Dandan Zhu
“Cutting contact with toxic people will transform your life. At first, it feels miserable. Like you’re going cold turkey from an addiction. But as time goes on, you come to discover that each passing day brings unexpected new blessings. You begin to develop self-respect, boundaries, and true friendships. Instead of running around absorbing and forgiving everything, you spend time with people who do not behave in a way that requires constant explaining to begin with. This freedom allows your spirit to thrive. Someday, you will look back and wonder how you even tolerated interacting with such unhealthy people. Your new self begins to feel protective of your old self, and that’s a pretty neat place to be!” – Jackson Mackenzie